Tracys Bombie

Cairns, Australia

Avg rating 3.0 by 2 divers

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    26°C - 28°C
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Tracy's Bombie is a peninsula jutting out from the Northern end of the reef. Tracy's is a very navigable wall dive with sharks resting on the ocean floor, and walls enlivened with an abundance of marine life. White tip reef sharks are almost always seen here, black tip reef sharks are also seen here. The real treat is the mass variety of little marine life, crustaceans and nudis, all along the wall. Magic!

This dive site offers something for everyone and is suitable for beginner - intermediate divers. The shallows are excellent for snorkellers with plenty of small and colourful fish such as clownfish making their home amongst the corals. Maori wrasse are also frequent and delightful visitors.

The site drops off around the back of the bommie into deeper water - a common area for sighting cruising reef sharks and eagle rays. The variety of this site makes it very popular with photographers.

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Last updated by Finn on 1/5/2012

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