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4 matching dive sites

Liberty Wreck - Tulambenscuba diving site
Avg rating 3 by 4 divers

Liberty Wreck - Tulamben

Tulamben, Indonesia

The 120m long Liberty wreck has long been regarded as one of the top dive sites in the world. The surprisingly intact hull of the wreck is now home an abundance of marine animals, hard and soft corals and plant life. The wreck can be safely swum through and for many divers new to wrecks this is perfect. This is photographers dream as there rigid b...
Manta Pointscuba diving site
Not Rated

Manta Point

Nusa Lembogan, Indonesia

Manta Point attracts manta year round, the waters are rich with plankton which attracts the magnificent animals for feeding and cleaning; the site also acts as a cleaning station. Manta Point is rather bland so the only reasons to dive this site are the manta rays - but oh are they worth it - just ask the many scuba divers that come back here time ...
The Anker Wreckscuba diving site
Not Rated

The Anker Wreck

Menjangan Island, Indonesia

One of Bali's firstr scuba diving locations, found to the scuba public in the late 1970;s. It's been popular ever since then and offers a great wreck dive in easy conditions for less experiences scuba divers. This wreck is actually named for the anchor that still lies about 6-8 meters from the surface. Follow the anchor chain down the steep ...
Blue Lagoonscuba diving site
Not Rated

Blue Lagoon

Padang Bai, Indonesia

Easily accessed site and less dived than sites on the south of the island. This site offers a good variety of hard and soft corals, lots of feather stars, huge coral boomies (elephant coral) and table corals.There is a small wall and a gentle sloping wall that is home to an abundance of sea life. Numerous tropical fish can be seen here including...

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