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03 9783 7166
6 Young Street Frankston 3199

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photo taken by Jerry in Byron Bay
Diveline has been teaching people to LEARN to SCUBA DIVE in Melbourne since the early 1970s. Diveline is located in Frankston on the Mornington Peninsula and is one of Victorias Premiere SCUBA Diver Training Facilities.
Suitable for beginners right through to Instructor level. We teach Specialist and Technical disciplines with internationally recognised PADI and IANTD courses. Our facilities are comfortable and offer a comprehensive range of gear for every divers needs.
Qualified and experienced instructors provide a professional, personal and enjoyable environment for you to learn SCUBA techniques so you can dive safely with any diver of a similar level, anywhere in the world. We are dedicated to meeting all of your snorkelling, spear fishing and SCUBA diving needs.

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Learn to scuba dive here
The Dive Line profile was last updated on 07 Aug 2011

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