Aldinga Drop Off

Adelaide, Australia

Avg rating 3.2 by 5 divers

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scuba diving Dusky shark
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    15°C - 20°C
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This wall dive is fascinating and many scuba divers count this as one of their favourite scuba sites. The wall drops off to around 22m and there are numerous cracks in the wall that are big enough for divers to swim into.

Large schools of snapper are almost always encountered and large predators are also known to frequent this site - white pointers occasionally follow the snappers when they are migrating (running) and more commonly bronze whalers are seen here. This is the site where Rodney Fox was attacked by a great white shark. For these reasons it is only advised to dive with a reputable dive centre and to always have a shark shield!

It is best to stick to the wall during these divers and have a good plan too, as the visibility here can drop considerably.

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Last updated by Jerry on 5/23/2011

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