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6 matching dive sites

Moon Ledge scuba diving site
Not Rated

Moon Ledge

Hervey Bay, Australia

This is Coffee Rock with lots of ledges  about a half hour trip form the uranagan marina It is a large area and the ledges hold lots of surprises mainland  of Fraser island Soft corals nudibranchs large cod the odd occassioanl sea snake when there is a neap tide do two dives here or one on the artificial reef first Again not t...
Maringa Bombie scuba diving site
Not Rated

Maringa Bombie

Hervey Bay, Australia

This site is coffee rock just a about 500 mts from the shore of Fraser Island  Nice soft coral and shelves where the beautiful crayfish hang out  I find this dive to be a reliable site as long as it is not a strong north easterly  about a half hour trip from urangan boat harbour  not the best visibility in the ocean ...
Outer Banks scuba diving site
Not Rated

Outer Banks

Hervey Bay, Australia

Hervey Bay  Is full of coffee rock this can be amazing stuff the marine life is diverse  The The Visibility could be described as average  BUT if you sit patiently and wait for the slack water good diving could be had  We do have the Southern Hemispheres alleged largest artificial reef  Hervey bay will also have...
Simpson Artificial Reef scuba diving site
Not Rated

Simpson Artificial Reef

Hervey Bay, Australia

Welcome to Hervey Bay  we have one of the largest artificial reefs in the southern hemisphere this has been down for over 40 years prolific marine life is established  In addition to this there has been massive blocks of concretre placed around the Fraser Isalnd on the western side  the fish life is already congregating  ...
Maringa Bombie scuba diving site
Not Rated

Maringa Bombie

Hervey Bay, Australia

this is a nice dive coffe rock with soft coral lots of marine life and painted crayfish about 30 mins by boat from  hervey bay give me a call if you want more info or to book Glenn 
Artificial Reefs Fraser island  scuba diving site
Not Rated

Artificial Reefs Fraser island

Hervey Bay, Australia

Hervey Bay has now got more artificial reefs in addition to one of the oldest and biggest artificial reefs in Australia The Government Agencies have got together and have sunk in various regions of fraser island 6 groups of very large concrete formations 3 per region This will prove to be excellent dive sites as time goes by already there ...

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