Busselton, Australia

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scuba diving Swan Shots
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HMAS Swan was a Riverclass Destroyer who never fired a hostile round. After de commision she was finally sunk in 1997 and now sits on the sandy bottom of Geographe Bay in around 31 metres. This wreck has many access holes with plenty of light in the upper decks, but those more adventurous divers can still find some nice dark areas, making her a fantastic site for divers of all skill levels. This is a great site for wide lens photography as well as those who love macro as there is plenty of nice growth and marine life, particularly around the communications tower. Lots of divers like to have their photo taken sitting on one of the many toilets or sitting in the bridge. The many species of local marine life include huge schools of juvenile pink snapper, samson fish, bat fish, mulloway, dhufish, blue groper, break sea cod, western blue devil fish and massive schools of globe fish. The odd Nudibranch is often spotted as well as cuttlefish, giant flathead and even Wobbygong. If you don't go with a local operater a day permit is required, only costs $20 and can be purchased at the Visitors Centres and local dive shops. The permit also allows you to use one of the public moorings while you enjoy your dive. The local diveshops don't mind the public using their moorings on busy days as long as you give them a quick curtiousy call. Quickest access is from Old Dunsborough boatramp or Quindalup. If its a nice day it only takes around a half hour or so to shoot over from the Port Geographe Marina. Look out for whales during whale season as well as turtles who have been making an appearance lately.

Scuba photos from HMAS SWAN WRECK scuba dive site more photos

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The Dive Shed
Busselton, Australia
The Dive Shed Busselton
Busselton, Australia


Last updated by Alecia on 11/24/2011

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